Bounce rate is the metrics to identify the percentage of visitors who visit your website (Homepage, content page, or any landing page) and leave without navigating any further. That is, a user bounces with no engagement in any of the pages, and his visit ends with a single-page visit. The bounce rate of a website or a web page can be calculated using Google Analytics and several other tools.
–   Your website has low-quality contents
–   Visitors found the required information in other sites
–   The website is not relevant to your user needs.
–   Clicking the back button
–   Closing the browser window or tab
–   Entering a new URL
–   Stay idle in the page
–   Not triggering any event
–   10-30% for Service Sites
–   20-40% for Retail sites
–   30-50% for Lead generation sites
–   40-60% for Content websites
–   70-90% for Landing pages
–   70-98% for Blogs
–   Make your website mobile-friendly
–   Study the traffic sources
–   Understand the user’s behavior
–   Do not mislead the visitor
–   Avoid unnecessary pop-ups
–   Include high-quality contents
–   Add visually appealing design
–   Use only relevant Call-To-Action (CTA)
–   Use responsive layout
–   Increase the page load speed
–   Avoid many external links