10 Social Media Marketing Strategies B2B Business Cannot Live Without

You can find billions of people using social media platforms worldwide. Hence marketers consider this as a most crucial channel to promote their business and outgrow the sales ratio. Also, it is the easiest way to reach the prospects since it has a massive amount of users regardless of gender, age, or location. That is, […]

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B2B Marketing: How to Reach Key Decision-Makers?

If you are a marketer operating in the B2B space, reaching out to the C-Level Executives and professionals who directly or indirectly influence the purchases of your target businesses is one of the most challenging tasks. Engaging with key decision makers is not easy as there are multiple gatekeepers and junior level executives that you […]

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What is B2B Marketing?

B2B (Business to Business) Marketing involves selling or promotion of goods and services to other businesses for production, reselling or business use. A wholesaler selling goods to a retailer is an example of B2B Marketing.

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