What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate is the metrics to identify the percentage of visitors who visit your website (Homepage, content page, or any landing page) and leave without navigating any further. That is, a user bounces with no engagement in any of the pages, and his visit ends with a single-page visit. The bounce rate of a website or a web page can be calculated using Google Analytics and several other tools.

bounce rate

What Does High Bounce Rate Mean for Your Business?

–    Your website has low-quality contents

–    Visitors found the required information in other sites

–    The website is not relevant to your user needs.

Different Bounce Rate Scenarios:

–    Clicking the back button

–    Closing the browser window or tab

–    Entering a new URL

–    Stay idle in the page

–    Not triggering any event

Benchmark for Bounce Rate by Google Analytics:

–    10-30% for Service Sites

–    20-40% for Retail sites

–    30-50% for Lead generation sites

–    40-60% for Content websites

–    70-90% for Landing pages

–    70-98% for Blogs

Methods to Reduce the Bounce Rate:

–    Make your website mobile-friendly

–    Study the traffic sources

–    Understand the user’s behavior

–    Do not mislead the visitor

–    Avoid unnecessary pop-ups

–    Include high-quality contents

–    Add visually appealing design

–    Use only relevant Call-To-Action (CTA)

–    Use responsive layout

–    Increase the page load speed

–    Avoid many external links


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