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Printing Industry Email List

Do you provide products or services that are useful to the printing industry in their day-to-day business needs? Then, our printing industry email list is for you. Get access to our verified and updated printing and publishing industry email list to engage with the right prospects and promote your offerings while expanding your network.
Our printing industry email database provides you with complete information about the printing and publishing companies, including the working professional’s name, email address, work experience, job title, organization name, SIC code, and more.
Our reliable and verified printing and publishing industry email list will assist you in connecting and expanding your business to decision-makers across companies such as printing press, publishing firms, media broadcasting, wrappers orienting, and more to pitch your products and services like ink, paper, binding glue, printing plates, etc.
Build connections with 474K+ printing industries worldwide!

Why do you need a printing industry email database?

Businesses leveraging our printing industry email list can get hold of invaluable benefits, including:
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Trusted By Over 11K Organizations To Grow Revenue

Industry Email List
0 M+
B2B Data
0 M+
Printing Industry Email List
0 K+
Publishing Industry List
0 K+
Last updated: Feb 3, 2025

Leverage the booming printing industry with our email and mailing list:

The commercial printing market worldwide was valued at 494.53 billion USD as of 2023. This value is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.0% by 2030. The key factors driving the growth of the printing industry involve the increasing demand for innovative packaging materials, the boom of e-commerce, personalized printing options, and more.
The printing industry offers a zillion opportunities for other businesses as it grows and expands. If your business offers products and services to the printing industry, then it’s the right time to leverage the industry’s flourishing growth. We are here to support you with our extended printing and publishing email list.
Our comprehensive email list lets you connect with the right professionals, stakeholders, and decision-makers in the printing industry. Leverage our printing industry email list to reach prospects, including book publishers, commercial printers, communication editors, production managers, printing press equipment manufacturers, and other professionals requiring printing or publishing essentials for their business.
Networking with the top professionals across the printing and publishing industry can help you expand your business and grow your ROI. With the 474K+ printing and publishing industry email database, you can improve your brand reputation, position your business as a pioneer in the industry, and accelerate the lead generation process.
Furthermore, investing in our email database brings incredible benefits to your business, from increased click-through rates and response rates to enhanced lead generation and revenue. Our insightful and data-rich printing industry email database will enhance your marketing strategies.
Gain a competitive edge in the market with our email list!

Amplify your marketing revenue with a segmented printing and publishing industry email list:

Generalized targeting is one of the major reasons for generating less ROI. Segment your sales and marketing campaigns based on your specific business requirements with our printing industry contact list. Divide the total addressable market into distinct sectors based on common attributes like firmographics, technographics, demographics, and more. It will help you send tailored messages, optimize resource usage, increase team productivity, and elevate your return on investment.
We have segmented our printing industry email and mailing list as follows:
Job Title Email Counts Phone Counts
Editors Email List 112175 112031
Writers Email List 29821 29769
Authors Email List 8435 8371
Proofreaders Email List 1051 1003
Publishers Email List 12767 12354
Journalists Email List 25935 25871
Reporters Email List 22453 22357
Researchers Email List 2105 2071
Graphic Designers Email List 23817 23798
Translators Email List 1778 1682
Illustrator Email List 1404 1353
Art Directors Email List 3151 3096
Press Operators Email List 3504 3403
Printing Industry Production Managers 8082 8004
Printing Industry Marketing Managers 11217 11103
Printing Industry Operations Managers 5315 5207
Printing Industry Project Managers 14257 14103
Printing Industry HR Email List 12217 12110
Printing Industry Vice President 14717 14529
Other Printing Professionals Email List 612097 611932
Country Email Counts Phone Counts
United States 58817 58743
UK 21172 21056
Canada 15611 15498
France 13317 13198
Italy 71775 71390
Spain 7717 7402
Sweden 1051 1003
Switzerland 1402 1312
Indonesia 2101 2098
Netherlands 5251 5117
Australia 5257 5183
Singapore 1716 1651
Indian 12617 12493
Others 186275 185891
Note: “The counts may vary due to continuous updates; kindly reach out to us for the latest counts.”

Advantages of using the printing industry contact list:

As a matter of fact, marketers and sales reps spend most of their time prospecting leads, which in turn impacts their productivity. We help you save prospecting time by providing the most potential customers who are interested in your products and services. Our updated printing industry contact list will take care of the most time-consuming part, which is prospecting potential leads so you can focus on other priority tasks.
Avail these benefits by choosing the printing and publishing industry email list from Blue Mail Media:
Our responsive and up-to-date printing industry email list will help you kickstart successful business campaigns in no time. Give your business massive success with our extensive email database.
Partner with us to take your business to the next level!

Boost revenue with a customized printing industry email database:

You can customize the printing and publishing mailing list and email list that best suits your business needs and industry demands with our 70+ data filters. Personalization lets you stand out from your peer competitors and set a high standard for your business.
Positioning a business and its services successfully is possible only by contacting the target prospects. Our printing and publishing email list can be customized according to your business requirements to help you target the most relevant clients. On top of that, personalized marketing brings you a myriad of benefits, from enhanced lead generation, customer experience, customer loyalty, heightened revenue, and more.
We have listed some of the customization options we offer in our printing and publishing industry email list:
Full Name Organization Name Demographics
Job Title Years In Business City
Work Experience Organization Revenue SIC Code
Official Email Address Employee Size Technographics
Direct Dial Number Mailing Address ZIP Code
Fax Number State NAICS Code
Social Media Profile Country And More!

    Target the right decision-makers with our printing industry email database:

    Are you using an outdated email database for prospecting? You are making a big mistake, as an old email list is detrimental to your campaign efforts. How about getting an accurate and legitimate printing industry email database from a reputed company like Blue Mail Media?
    Sounds good, right? We have a dedicated team of data specialists to precisely procure, compile, cleanse, validate, and update the databank regularly. Thus, we are able to provide you with an opt-in, authentic, valid, and up-to-date email database to direct your promotional efforts toward high-potential prospects.
    Maximize prospecting efficiency with an opt-in email list!

    Get a sample of our printing and publishing industry email list:

    We are so confident about our database that we provide a sample based on your specific business requirement so that you can witness its tremendous result yourself. The sample database gives you access to the printing industry professional’s name, email address, fax number, phone number, company name, mailing address, and more.
    Here is what our printing industry email list sample looks like:
    Company NameWebsiteCEO NameEmailPhone NumberEmployee SizeRevenueLocation
    4over4over.comShaheen Javadizadehsh*h*en*@4over.com(8*4) *44-*8*7800178.7 MUnited States
    AXIOSaxios.comJim VandeHei**[email protected](70*) 2*1-3**0500101 MUnited States
    The Business Journalsbizjournals.comWhitney Shaww*ha*@bizjournals.com(*66) 85*-3*6*1815247 MUnited States
    Brook + Whittlebrookandwhittle.comMark Pollardmpo*la**@bwhittle.com(2*3) 45*-*34*1800402 MUnited States
    BuildASignbuildasign.comBryan Kranikb*ya*.kran**@buildasign.com(*00) *30-**22500111.7 MUnited States
    Circle Graphicscirclegraphicsonline.comRod Rackley*ra*kl*[email protected](*03) 91*-3*2*669140.3 MUnited States
    CNHI LLCcnhi.comDonna Barrettdb*rr**[email protected](3*4) *93-**003605521.2 MUnited States
    The Denver Postdenverpost.comTracy Ulmert*lm*[email protected](3*3) 83*-*23*1067238.3 MUnited States
    DG3dg3.comSteven Babat**e*en.b**[email protected](2*1) *93-*0*0669250.8 MUnited States
    Dotdash Meredithdotdashmeredith.comNeil Vogelnvo**[email protected](21*) 20*-4**03691824.4 MUnited States
    Dow Jonesdowjones.comAlmar Latoural*ar.lat*u*@dowjones.com(2*2) *97-5*0*5000964.6 MUnited States
    ARC Document Solutionse-arc.comSuri Suriyakumarsu**@e-arc.com(83*) 2*2-**801900283.1 MUnited States
    Electronics For Imagingefi.comFrank Pennisi*ran*.pe*ni*[email protected](60*)28*-*80*1300353 MUnited States
    Forbesforbes.comMichael Federle**eder*[email protected](*00) 2*5-*8*3500257.7 MUnited States
    Fortunefortune.comAnastasia Nyrkovskayaan**tas*a.nyr**v*ka*[email protected](8*0) *21-*00*360130 MUnited States
    Group Bayportgroupbayport.comNishant Shahnis*a*t.*[email protected](86*)-*07-57**1450323.9 MUnited States
    Hachette Book Grouphachettebookgroup.comMichael Pietschm*chae*.*iet*[email protected](2*2) *64-1**03954883.1 MUnited States
    HarperCollinsharpercollins.comBrian Murraybr*an.*u*ra*@harpercollins.com(2*2) *07-**0040001.6 BUnited States
    Houston Chroniclehoustonchronicle.comKelly Ann Scott*e*ly.sc**[email protected](7*3) *20-*17*731135.7 MUnited States
    Ingram Content Groupingramcontent.comShawn Morin*ha*n.mor**@ingramcontent.com(6*5) 7*3-5**050002.4 BUnited States
    Los Angeles Timeslatimes.comLaura Ferreirolau*a.fe**ir*@latimes.com(*00) *34-*4*41422333.8 MUnited States
    Lee Enterpriseslee.netSteve Leek*v*n.**wb*a*@lee.net(*63) 3*3-2**02819637.5 MUnited States
    McClatchymcclatchy.comTony W Hunter*hu*te*@mcclatchy.com(9*6) 3*1-18**28001.4 BUnited States
    Mimeomimeo.comJohn Delbridgejdelb*i*g*@mimeo.com(90*) *66-**00562118.8 MUnited States
    Morris Communicationsmorris.comCraig Mitchellc*aig.mi**h*[email protected](*00) 6*2-6**814812 BUnited States
    New York Postnypost.comJesse Angeloja*gel*@nypost.com(8*0) *08-*4*6642162.4 MUnited States
    The New York Timesnytimes.comMeredith Kopit Levienme*edi*h.le*[email protected](2*2) *56-12**59002.5 BUnited States
    FedExoffice.fedex.comScott Temple*co*t.te**[email protected](*01) *18-8*0*30600087.6 BUnited States
    OregonLiveoregonianmediagroup.comJohn Maherj*ahe*@oregonian.com(50*) 97*-*0*0916204.6 MUnited States
    Pearsonpearson.comOmar Abboshom**.a*bo*[email protected](*00) *32-6*5*176124.7 BUnited States
    Penguin Random Housepenguinrandomhouse.comJeff Abraham*ab*aha*@penguinrandomhouse.com(2*2) 78*-9**0150007.7 BUnited States
    The Post and Courierpostandcourier.comPamela J Browningpb*o*nin*@postandcourier.com(84*) *77-**111000223.3 MUnited States
    Printfulprintful.comAlex Saltonstallalex.*al*onst*[email protected](8*8) *51-*1*11400312.7 MUnited States
    FUJIFILM Holdings Americaprint-us.fujifilm.comGo Miyazakifra*kv*ee*[email protected](*00) *59-*85*7225420.6 BUnited States
    ReaderLinkreaderlink.comDennis Abboudd*bb**[email protected](*00) 5*9-**892807592.6 MUnited States
    Sandy Alexandersandyalexander.comMike Graffm*k*@sandyalexander.com(*73) *70-8**0313221.9 MUnited States
    Scholasticscholastic.comPeter Warwickp**rwi*[email protected](*00)72*-**2249801.6 BUnited States
    The Seattle Timesseattletimes.comFrank A. Blethenfb*e*he*@seattletimes.com(20*) *64-*1*1748265.3 MUnited States
    Serigraphserigraph.comSean Torinuss*or*n*[email protected](*62) 3*5-*20*450100.5 MUnited States
    Simon & Schustersimonandschuster.comJonathan Karpjona*h*n.*ar*@simonandschuster.com(2*2) 69*-**331600366.2 MUnited States
    Springer Naturespringernature.comFrank Vrancken Peeters*rank*p*e*[email protected](*00) *77-*64*100001.8 BUnited States
    St. Louis Post-Dispatchstltoday.comKyle Lopez***[email protected](3*4) *40-*0*0520116.1 MUnited States
    Tampa Bay Timestampabay.comConan Gallatycg*lla**@tampabay.com(*00) 8*8-7**2332220.6 MUnited States
    Taylortaylor.comCharlie Whitaker*harli*.*hit*[email protected](80*) 6*1-76**100002.4 BUnited States
    TIMEtime.comJessica Sibleyje*sic*.sib*e*@time.com(2*2) 5*2-*70*4290958.2MUnited States
    Vista Printingvistaprint.comFlorian Baumgartner*lor*an.ba*mg*rtn*[email protected](86*) 20*-*9*560001.4 BUnited States
    The Vomela Companiesvomela.comTom Authtom.***[email protected](*51) 22*-2**01312331.2 MUnited States
    The Washington Postwashingtonpost.comWilliam Lewisw**lia*.lewi*@washpost.com(*00) *77-4*7*2446546.3 MUnited States
    Westrockwestrock.comDavid Sewelld*vid.**we*[email protected](7*0) 4*8-**935610019.5 BUnited States
    Wileywiley.comMatthew Kissner*atthew.ki*s*e*@wiley.com(20*) 7*8-6**064001.9 BUnited States

    How do we compile the printing industry email and mailing list?

    Our data experts mine the printing industry contact information from dependable sources. Then, each record in the database cross checked using stringent verification processes. Moreover, the databank is validated every 90 days and prior to delivery with the help of technological and manual interventions.
    We adhere to all international data privacy policies like CCPA, GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and others, providing you with an opt-in and privacy-compliant printing industry email database. Here are some of the data sources that we rely on to collate our printing and publishing industry email list:
    Government Records Market Research Public Records
    Online Conferences Seminars Surveys
    Postal Records Opt-in Email Responses Business Magazines
    Publishing Companies B2B Directories Timeshare Associations
    Seminar Registrations Telemarketing Effort Newspapers
    Feedback Forms Census Data Telephone Directories
    Corporate Registers Webinars Company Newsletters
    Questionnaires SEC Listings And More!
    printing publishing industry executives list

    Which businesses can utilize our printing industry contact list?

    Are you a marketer or a business owner who targets printing and publishing companies? Then, you can utilize our printing and publishing industry email list to achieve your business goals. Whether you offer printing materials or printing/publishing services, these lists will be an excellent solution for finding new prospects. Connect with high-ranking professionals using our printing industry contact list to expand your network and gain better marketing returns.
    Here are some beneficiaries who can leverage our lists for their business growth:

    Make the most out of your marketing budget

    How to use our printing and publishing email list?

    You can utilize our printing and publishing industry email list to execute successful multichannel marketing campaigns and achieve new avenues of success, such as:

    Reasons to choose Blue Mail Media:

    We have served over 11K clients for the past decade, empowering their sales and marketing campaigns to achieve greater heights. Our printing industry email database comes with the following features to boost business revenue:

    Get in touch with us now!

    Revamp your sales and marketing strategies with our data-rich printing industry email list to seize the right prospect at the right time. You can either get a pre-built database or custom-build it specific to your business requirements.
    It helps you execute successful multi-channel marketing campaigns, bringing in high-potential leads and boosting your business growth. We are here to help you connect with new clients with our extensive printing industry email list.
    Contact us now to discuss your business requirements!

    All set to propel your sales pipeline?


    What is a printing industry email list?

    The printing industry email list provides contact information of professionals, decision-makers, and other stakeholders involved in the printing and publishing businesses worldwide. It will give access to their names, email addresses, phone numbers, company names, mailing addresses, and more.

    How much does the publishing industry email list cost?

    The cost of the publishing industry email list varies depending on the volume of the email list. The higher the volume of the purchase, the lower the cost per contact. For more pricing details, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    Is your printing and publishing industry email list accurate?

    Yes, we provide an accurate printing and publishing email list as we rely on trustworthy sources, like B2B directories, business magazines, and others. Moreover, we update the databank every 90 days and before delivery using stringent verification processes.

    How often do you update the printing industry email database?

    Our data specialists precisely verify and update the data reservoir every 90 days and prior to delivery. For that, we employ meticulous verification processes involving advanced technologies and manual efforts.

    Do you offer any discounts for bulk purchases of the printing industry email list?

    Yes, we offer price breaks for bulk purchases of the printing industry email list. Businesses purchasing a higher volume of the email list will receive a lower cost per contact. For more details about price breaks and bulk purchases, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    How many days will it take to deliver my email list after ordering it?

    It will take 3 – 5 working days to deliver your printing and publishing mailing list and email list after placing the order. This reasonable timeline is to re-check the databank prior to delivery with the help of human and technological interventions.

    Can I get a customized printing and publishing email list?

    Yes, you can customize the printing and publishing mailing list and email list with our 70+ data selection options. For more details about customization, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    How do you compile the printing industry email list?

    Our team of data professionals relies on trustworthy sources, like opt-in email responses, seminars, webinars, and more, to collect the printing industry contact information. Then, the database is put under rigorous verification processes every 90 days and before delivery. Thus, we meticulously compile our email database.

    Other industries email list:

    Industry Email Counts Phone Counts
    Hospitality Industry Email List 525149  524967
    Banking Email List 91175  90657
    Convenience Stores Email List 1751  1687
    Horticulture Industry Email List 2117  2091
    Mining Industry Email List 318175  307854
    Resorts Email List 44817  42987
    3D Printing Industry Email List 91175  90671
    Beauty Industry Email List 294175  289765
    Drilling Companies Email List 21175  20876
    Hotels Email List 59514  58962
    Nightclubs and Bars Email List 1751  1698
    Restaurant Email List 717599  708971
    Accounting Agencies Email List 329175  319845
    Biotechnology Email List 46216  42765
    Education Industry Email List 717753  702561
    Insurance Industry Email List 266175  227654
    Non Profit Email List 364199  314532
    Retail Industry Email List 2117599  2065429
    Advertising Agencies Email List 717755  706735
    Bituminous Coal Lignite Surface Mining Email List 299  265
    Electronics Industry Email List 623177  617632
    Jewelry Stores Email List 77175  71675
    Semiconductor Industry Email List 91175  89765
    Bookstore Email List 4564  4087
    Energy Industry Email List 98177  96876
    K 12 Schools Email List 119175  108976
    Oil and Gas Industry Email List 112175  108716
    Sporting Goods Store Email List 36653  32842
    Environmental Services Email List 161175  127865
    Law Firms Email List 2817  2145
    Packaging Industry Email List 32917  30724
    Supermarkets and Department Stores Email List 3864  3267
    Call Center Email List 1751  1456
    Finance Email List 717755  706745
    Legal Services Industry Email List 421175  405871
    Pet Care Industry Email List 126175  107863
    Supply Chain Email List 717753  702345
    Agriculture Industry Email List 294117  286571
    Ceramic Industry Email List 48475  44871
    Fishing Industry Email List 112175  107651
    Leisure Entertainment Industry Email List 1417599  1398716
    Petrochemical Industry Email List 717  654
    Telecom Industry Email List 161359  148761
    Air Transportation Email List 84359  82786
    Chemical Industry Email List 371182  369810
    Fitness Spa Clubs Email List 427164  408761
    Luxury Goods Industry Email List 77175  72981
    Poultry Industry Email List 441175  428761
    Textile Industry Email List 147256  137865
    Architectural Industry Email List 322147  307826
    Church Email List 189175  168976
    Food and Beverage Industry Email List 2117599  2073471
    Machinery Equipment Industry Email List 717755  706541
    Printing Industry Email List 91178  90547
    Transportation Industry Email List 717755  703651
    Automotive Industry Email List 336177  318761
    Colleges Universities Email List 189359  168910
    Fortune 500 Companies Email List 500  500
    Media Industry Email List 2117599  2078611
    Radio Station Email List 2111  2001
    Utilities Industry Email List 189359  158754
    Aviation Industry Email List 84359  82765
    Construction Industry Email List 1425377  1289081
    Freight Forwarders Email List 141253  128971
    Metal Fabrication Email List 13316  12987
    Railroad Transportation Industry Email List 1166  1078
    Warehouse Email List 31975  30854
    Consulting Industry Email List 1425377  1187654
    General Merchandise Stores Email List 147177  130987
    Metallurgy Industry Email List 3851  3278
    Real Estate Industry Email List 2117753  2079511
    Wine Industry Email List 3158  3051
    Automobile Repair Email List 8435  8245
    Cloud Computing Industry Email List 33617  31987
    Forestry Email List 1151  1067
    Manufacturing Industry Email List 4217599  4078641
    Pubs Email List 23117  20876
    Trucking Company Email List 245149  208976
    Note: “The counts may vary due to continuous updates; kindly reach out to us for the latest counts.”
    Would you like to speak to one of our consultants over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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