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Call Centers Email List

Do you provide help desk software, an IVR application, or other tools and services for call centers? If that is the case, then we are here to assist you in connecting with top decision-makers from the call centers globally. Blue Mail Media’s extensive call center email list is all you need to uplift your prospecting activities to a greater extent.
Our call center mailing list and email list give you a hold of accurate contact details of top professionals working in call centers worldwide. The list provides information like the deciding authority’s name, work experience, job title, company name, employee size, revenue, and more.
You can reach out to the ideal prospects who can bring in more revenue to your business and establish a global presence with our comprehensive call center email list. Trust us for all your prospecting endeavors!
Avail 107K+ call centers email database worldwide!
Call Centers Email Count
0 K+
Call Centers Mailing Count
0 K+
Call Centers Phone Number
0 M+
Last updated: Mar 5, 2025
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Trusted By Over 11K Organizations To Grow Revenue

Call centers email list sample:

Our sample email list of call centers enriches your sales and marketing campaigns with invaluable contact details. This sample includes the decision-maker’s name, job title, work experience, email address, company name, mailing address, SIC code, etc.
Gauge the quality, efficiency, accuracy, and other metrics of our sample database before purchasing our extended call center mailing list and email list. Are you looking for something more? We provide everything you ask for, from customizing the sample to delivering it in CRM-friendly file formats and more.

Email list of top 50 call centers worldwide

Company Name Website Contact Name Job Title Email Phone Number Employee Size Revenue Location
Concentrix concentrix.com Chris Caldwell Chief Executive Officer c****[email protected] (8**) **7-0**3 164994 6.3 B United states
Alorica alorica.com Dan Montenaro Chief Legal Officer d****[email protected] (8**) 2**-7**2 100000 21 B United states
EXL exlservice.com Pam Harrison Chief Human Resources Office p****[email protected] (2**) **7-71** 57000 1.8 B United states
Qualcomm qualcomm.com Akash Palkhiwala Chief Financial Office a****[email protected]
(8**) 8**-*9*9 49000 39 B United states
TTEC ttecjobs.com John Everson Chief Security Officer  j****[email protected] (8**) *9*-**85 39125 47.2 M United states
Cox cox.com Mark Greatrex President m****[email protected]
(8**) *4*-**77 18000 6.7 B United states
frontier.com frontier.com Mark Levy Vice President m****[email protected] (8**) **1-**44 12950 5.8 B United states
UScellular uscellular.com Terry Crawford Director-Telephony  t****[email protected] (8**) **4-9*0* 4200 3.8 B United states
Etech Global Services etechgs.com Matt Rocco Chief Executive Officer m****[email protected] (9**) 5**-**00 3600 681.4 M United States
GTT Communications gtt.net Edward Morche Chief Executive Officer e****[email protected] (4**) 2**-**28 3500 1.4 B United states
Invensis Technologies invensis.net Travis Padilla Sales Director t****[email protected] (3**) **1-*03* 3500 717.3 M United States
Bill Gosling Outsourcing billgosling.com Adrian Sharples Chief Strategy Officer a****[email protected] (8**) 2**-**67 2573 543.8 M United States
ROI CX Solutions roicallcentersolutions.com Josh T. Brady Chief Operating Officer j****[email protected] (8**) **1-7*4* 2000 500 M United States
Cogent Communications  cogentco.com Joe M. Chief Customer Care officer j****[email protected] (2**) *9*-*20* 1955 1.1 B United states
SBA Communications Corporation sbasite.com Josh Koenig Chief Administrative Officer j****[email protected] (8**) **7-7**3 1787 2.7 B United states
Nextiva nextiva.com Ken McMahon Chief Customer Officer k****[email protected] (8**) *8*-*99* 1656 554.3 M United states
SupportYourApp supportyourapp.com Maryna Stavnycha Chief Marketing Office m****[email protected] (8**) *5*-*5*6 1200 245.9 M United states
Peak Support peaksupport.io Stephen Lowe Chief Information Officer s****[email protected] (8**) **1-*0*4 1061 500 M  United states
Five Star Call Centers fivestarcallcenters.com Troy Holt Chief Operating Officer t****[email protected] (8**) **4-*8*2 1000 500 M United States
ExpertCallers expertcallers.com Antony P Gregory Chief Executive Officer a****[email protected] (8**) *7*-*2*1 832 500 M United States
SkyCom Call Center skycomcallcenter.com Daniel Quevedo Director Of Operations d****[email protected] (8**) **0-0**9 786 104.3 M United States
Client Services clientservices.com Joshua Pinkowski Chief Executive Officer j****[email protected] (6**) **7-*32* 692 500 M United States
Global Contact Services gcsagents.com Bryan Overcash Chief Operating Officer b****[email protected] (8**) *2*-**27 625 500 M United States
Nexa nexa.com christopher osburn VP of Technology c****[email protected] (8**) 4**-**85 600 84.5 M United states
Touchstone Communications touchstonebpo.com Yousaf H Eashai Chief Executive Officer​ y****[email protected] (8**) **0-80** 600 500 M United States
InspiriTec inspiritec.org John Connolly Chief Executive Officer j****[email protected] (8**) **8-3**0 567 85.8 M United states
IQ BackOffice iqbackoffice.com Edward Beck Chief Technology Officer e****[email protected] (3**) **2-**58 563 500 M United States
Select VoiceCom selectvoicecom.com Jeff Velodota Vice President of Business Development j****[email protected] (8**) *7*-0**8 537 500 M United States
TeleworkPH Outsourcing Solutions teleworkph.com Marge Aviso Chief Executive Officer m****[email protected] (8**) 8**-*6*5 529 6.5 M United states
Call Center Pros callcenterpros.com Jared Schagrin Chief Executive Officer j****[email protected] (8**) *8*-2*5* 500 500 M United States
Centrinex centrinex.com Bart Miller Chief Executive Officer b****[email protected] (9**) 7**-*4*0 500 105.7 M United States
MarketOne international  marketone.com Fred Ewald Chief Executive Officer f****[email protected] (8**) *1*-**00 430 136 M United states
The Connection® theconnectioncc.com Ken Unruh Chief Technology Officer k****[email protected] (8**) 8**-*7*7 404 39.3 M United states
OnBrand24 onbrand24.com Anthony Marlowe Chief Executive Officer a****[email protected] (8**) *6*-7**3 367 74 M United states
Fivestar call centers fivestarcallcenters.com Troy Holt Chief Operating Officer t****[email protected] (8**) **4-7**2 331 204.9 M United states
TeleDirect teledirect.com Smitha Baliga Chief Executive Officer s****[email protected] (8**) *7*-1*8* 323 18.8 M United states
Anomaly Squared Inc anomalysquared.com Rob Bayer Chief operations Officer r****[email protected] (8**) 5**-1*5* 228 100 M United states
Balboa Digital Inc balboadigital.com Mark Garms Chief Executive Officer m****[email protected] (8**) *8*-81** 147 50 M United states
Callexperts callexperts.com Abby L Chief Executive Officer a****[email protected] (8**) 3**-**11 136 51.2 M United states
Signius Communications signius.com Nicole King General Manager n****[email protected] (8**) *9*-*0*0 112 6 M United states
Call Management Resources callcmr.com Scott Harbin Chief Financial Officer s****[email protected] (8**) 9**-*74* 100 50 M United States
VoiceNation voicenation.com Richard Culberson Chief Executive Officer r****[email protected]
(8**) 4**-1**9 98 58.4 M United states
Oasis Marketing Solutions oasismarketingsolutions.com Brigg Lawrence Senior Vice President of Client Services b****[email protected] (8**) 3**-**87 73 50 M United states
Call Center Sales Pro callcentersalespro.com Shelby Weeks Director s****[email protected] (8**) **1-*7*6 69 20 M United States
AnswerConnect answerconnect.com Natalie Ruiz Chief Executive Officer n****[email protected] (8**) **0-*8*8 61 129.2 M United states
Ambs Call Center ambscallcenter.com Lori Vaira Vice President Finance  l****[email protected] (8**) **3-46** 45 19.1 M United states
SAS (Specialty Answering Service ) sascallcenter.com Barb Albert Director Of Support b****[email protected] (8**) 2**-*17* 36 6.1 M United states
Universal contact centers universalcontactcenters.com Cindy Chavez Human Resources Manager c****[email protected] (6**) 7**-**21 26 100 M United states
ARO arobpo.com Shad Ross Account Manager s****[email protected] (8**) **4-*66* 7 20 M United states
OnDemand Personalized Services  opsonline.net Adonay Perez Sales Director of OPS a****[email protected] (8**) *0*-**54 1 20 M United states

Optimize your campaigns with our segmented call center email list

Do you follow a generic campaign model for your marketing or sales efforts? If so, then you might be wasting a lot of resources in nurturing an irrelevant audience. We at Blue Mail Media address this issue, providing you with a well-segmented call center industry email list based on job titles, countries, and call center types.
With that in hand, you can efficiently nurture each segment with tailored messages, optimizing resource usage and reducing campaign costs to a greater extent. Furthermore, segmentation brings you other benefits, like amplified customer loyalty, retention, enhanced brand awareness and revenue.
Here is what our segmented call center email database looks like:

Segmentation based on call center types:

Inbound call centers Blended call centers
Outbound call centers Multichannel call centers
Omnichannel call centers Domestic call centers
Automated call centers Outsourced call centers
Virtual call centers Offshore call centers
Call centers segmented based on job titles:
Job TitlesTotal No of Counts
C-level executives3215
Customer Service Representative2324
Call Center Representative4613

Segmentation based on countries:

Note: “The counts may vary due to continuous updates; kindly reach out to us for the latest counts.”

Stay ahead of your rivals using our customized call centers industry email list

We provide you with 70+ customization options to execute personalized sales and marketing campaigns across multiple channels. It helps you address the unique challenges and needs of your prospects efficiently. In that way, you can foster a deeper relationship, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
It will help you stand out from your competitors, setting a high standard in the market. It also brings you a multitude of benefits, like increased conversions, enhanced return on investment, and more.
Some of the customization options that we offer include:
Name Industry Type NAICS Code
Official Email Address Company Name City
Direct Dial Number Company Revenue Demographics
Social Media Profile Employee Size ZIP Code
Job Title Mailing Address Technographics
Work Experience Country SIC Code
Fax Number State And More!

    How do we curate the call centers industry mailing list and email list?

    Our dedicated and highly passionate team of data specialists procures contact details of call centers from trustworthy sources. Then, the collated database is exposed to rigorous verification processes involving automated technologies and manual efforts. This helps us strenuously curate the call centers mailing list and email list.
    Furthermore, we update the data repository every 90 days and prior to delivery using the same processes, adhering to industry regulations and standards.
    Some of the reliable sources that we use include:
    B2B Directories Opt-in Email Responses Business Magazines
    Surveys Questionnaires Census Data
    Conferences/Trade Shows Seminars Rebate Coupons
    Feedback Forms Entry Forms Online Conferences
    Postal Records Public Records Rebate Coupons
    Subscriber Order Forms Market Research Mail and Telephone Inquiries
    Warranty Card Registrations Re-Seller Programs Webinars
    SEC Listings Telemarketing Efforts Telephone Directories
    Timeshare Associations Credit and Financial Data Government Records
    Seminar Registrations Corporate Registers And More!

    Who can benefit from our call center email list?

    Businesses that provide various kinds of products and services to call centers across the sphere can make use of our database to expand their clientele.
    Some of the prominent beneficiaries include:

    How to utilize our call centers mailing list and email list?

    Do you have a hold of our call centers industry mailing list and email list and are looking for ways to exploit them?
    Here you have some predominant ways to employ our call center email database:

    Gain unbeatable competitive advantage with Blue Mail Media

    Why do you need a call center email list?

    While you can build your call center email list from the ground up, the process is massive and time-consuming, involving a lot of resources. Hence, we at Blue Mail Media provide you with a well-vetted and ready-to-use call center email list to amp up your prospecting efforts.
    Moreover, our call centers email database is meticulously cleansed, appended, verified, re-verified, and updated using multi-tier processes. Such a precisely curated database brings your business a great deal of benefits, including:
    • Enhanced lead generation
    • Increased conversions
    • Expanded customer base
    • Optimized resource usage
    • Reduced marketing costs
    • Elevated customer experience
    • Elevated team productivity
    • Amplified return on investment
    In addition to these remunerations, our call center email list is highly accurate, adhering to CAN-SPAM, CCPA, and GDPR compliance regulations and data policies. Thus, you can get a hold of 100% opt-in and 95% deliverable email database.
    It helps you hit the right inbox of influential decision-makers who have a genuine interest in your products and services. Consequently, you can reduce operational costs, increase conversions, and maximize return on investment seamlessly.

    Pitch to global call centers using our email and mailing list

    As reported by Research and Markets, the global call center market size was valued at USD 29.44 billion in 2024. Growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.2%, this value is projected to reach USD 47.57 billion by 2030. Also, North America dominates the market with 30% of global contribution.
    Do you want to make a mark in this ever-evolving call center market? Reach out to us in no time, requesting a pre-built or customized call center email list. With that in hand, you can efficiently pitch your products and services to call center decision-makers.
    With more than a decade of industry experience, we know the nuances better in curating a high-quality email database. Thus, we have incorporated all premium features into our database, enriching your prospecting efforts with all good data attributes.
    Whatever your business niche or industry type is, we are here to guide you throughout your sales and marketing efforts. Do you want to get a premium database at an affordable price? All you have to do is reach out to Blue Mail Media with no further delay!
    Establish a global presence with our call centers email database!

    Unlock your marketing potential with
    our data insights

    Why to collaborate with Blue Mail Media?

    If you are looking for the best database to add value to your prospecting efforts then it’s high time to collaborate with Blue Mail Media. We provide you with the best quality call center email list at a reasonable price.
    It helps you achieve all your prospecting endeavors efficiently, from enhanced sales and marketing metrics to amplified revenue and more. Some of the key characteristics of our call center email list include:

    Drop us an email or give us a call!

    Are you a software provider, recruiting agency, or training provider who wants to target call centers? Whatever service or product you might offer, we are here to stand by you throughout your prospecting journey with our well-curated call center email list.
    We customize the database to best fit your business needs and requirements. What are you waiting for? Contact us now!
    Blue Mail Media is just a call away to serve you!

    All set to propel your sales pipeline?


    What is the call center email list?

    The call center email list gives you access to the contact information of decision-makers from call centers across the world to promote your business offerings and expand the customer base. The list includes the deciding authority’s name, email address, phone number, company name, industry type, revenue, etc.

    How much is the cost of the call center industry mailing list and email list?

    The cost of the call center industry email and mailing list varies depending on the volume of the purchase. The higher the volume of the email list, the lower the cost per contact. For more pricing details, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    Is your call center email list accurate?

    Yes, we provide an accurate call center industry email list, as we use reliable sources to collect contact information, adhere to CAN-SPAM, GDPR, and CCPA compliance policies, provide a 100% opt-in database, and more.

    How often do you update the call center email database?

    We update the database every 90 days and prior to delivery using rigorous data verification processes, which involve using advanced technologies and manual efforts. In that way, we provide an up-to-date and accurate call center email database.

    Is there any discount offered on bulk purchases of the call center email list?

    Yes, we offer price breaks for bulk purchases of call center industry email lists. If you purchase a higher volume of the email list, you will receive a lower cost per contact. For more details about price breaks and bulk purchases, kindly email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    How many days will it take to deliver my call center industry mailing list and email list after I order it?

    It will take 3 – 5 business days to deliver your call center industry email and mailing list after placing the order. This appropriate time duration is to re-verify the database prior to delivery using stringent verification processes, providing an up-to-date email list.

    Is your call center email list downloadable in an Excel file?

    Yes, you can download the call center email list in an Excel (.xls) file format. You can also download it in .csv and .txt file formats that easily integrate with other CRM platforms.

    Can I get a customized call centers email list?

    Yes, you can customize the call centers email list based on your business specifications using our 70+ data selection options. For more customization details, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.
    Would you like to speak to one of our consultants over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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