Verified nurses email database sample
Avail of our high-quality sample of nurses email database and explore its accuracy and excellence. Our sample database includes key attributes of nurses, such as their names, fax numbers, email addresses, OCC codes, hospital website addresses, and more.
Gauge the potential of our nurses email and mailing list before making a purchase decision. We are sure that our nurse’s database will be your best bid for all your marketing and sales endeavors. Contact us in no time to get your sample database.
Nurse Name | Specialization | Phone Number | Total Experience | Facility Name | Facility Type | Website | Revenue | Location | |
Angela Goodma | Midwife Nurse | *ngel*.g*o*ma* | (9*4) *96-**88 | 12 Years 11 Months | Ascension | Hospitals | | 28.6 B | United States |
Beverly M. Maldonado | Midwife Nurse | b*ver*y.*al*o*[email protected] | (*16) 7*3-8**0 | 6 Years 03 Months | Sutter Health | Hospitals | | 14.8 B | United States |
Amity Heinbuch | Midwife Nurse | a**ty.h*in*u*[email protected] | (2*8) 78*-*8*0 | 10 Years 02 Months | Essentia Health | Hospitals | | 2.8 B | United States |
Alexander Yatsko | Registered Nurse | a*exa*der.yats** | (*05) *49-60** | 6 Years 08 Months | INTEGRIS Health | Hospitals | | 1.5 B | United States |
Alyse Talbot | Registered Nurse | a**se.talb** | (*00) 6*4-6*5* | 36 Years 06 Months | Children’s Hospital Colorado | Hospitals | | 900.8 M | United States |
Kirsten Hesita | Registered Nurse | k*rst*n.* | (2*4) *90-*00* | 02 Years 03 Months | Parkland Health | Hospitals | | 1.6 B | United States |
Maura Kelty | Registered Nurse | kel**[email protected] | (9*2) 7*8-22** | 13 Years 10 Months | Southcoast Health | Hospitals | | 1.5 B | United States |
Alice Eastman | Registered Nurse | aea**ma* | (*88) 66*-6*3* | 10 Years 04 Months | One Medical | Hospitals | | 1 B | United States |
Sue Tabor | Registered Nurse | *ue.*abo* | (46*) *82-**00 | 20 Years 04 Months | CHRISTUS Santa Rosa | Hospitals | | 7.3 B | United States |
Sharon Timmerman | Registered Nurse | sha**n.timm*r*a* | (*09) 6*5-**50 | 6 Years 03 Months | OSF HealthCare | Hospitals | | 4.1 B | United States |
Nancy Shapiro | Family Nurse Practitioner | *ha*i*[email protected] | (2*5) 5*0-3**5 | 28 Years 09 Months | The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Hospitals | | 3.8 B | United States |
Taylor Solesa | Registered Nurse | t*ole*[email protected] | (41*) *42-**00 | 03 Years 10 Months | Humber River Hospital | Hospitals | | 604 M | Canada |
Courtney Frady | Nurse Practitioner | *our*n*y.**[email protected] | (70*) 8*4-*00* | 07 Years 05 Months | CaroMont Health | Hospitals | | 645.9 M | United States |
Amanda Mattox | Emergency Medicine Nurse Practitioner | a*a*t*[email protected] | (*70) *74-5**0 | 16 Years 09 Months | ApolloMD | Hospitals | | 628 M | United States |
Marc Cucetta | Registered Nurse | c*c*tta-m*r* | (8*6) 34*-2*0* | 23 Years 08 Months | Cooper University Health Care | Hospitals | | 2 B | United States |
Zackary Huddleston | Clinical Informatics Nurse | *acka**dl*sto* | (4*5) 4*8-*5*0 | 15 Years 07 Months | Dignity Health | Hospitals | | 10.3 B | United States |
Tiana Rao | Oncology Nurse | t*a*a.ra* | (78*) 7*4-*10* | 16 Years 08 Months | Beth Israel Lahey Health | Hospitals | | 5.6 B | United States |
Olivia Serpa | Registered Nurse | o**via.s*r*[email protected] | (6*7) *55-**00 | 10 Years 02 Months | Boston Children’s Hospital | Hospitals | | 2.5 B | United States |
Brianna Gamble | Registered Nurse | *r*anna.*a*b** | (*00) 8*1-*5*5 | 04 Years 05 Months | Atrium Health | Hospitals | | 10.3 B | United States |
Jordan Clayton | Oncology Nurse Practitioner | ***[email protected] | (33*) *18-*6*0 | 11 Years 10 Months | Novant Health | Hospitals | | 8.3 B | United States |
Denise Wagner | Registered Nurse | *enis*.wa**[email protected] | (8*8) *61-**06 | 32 Years 11 Months | Yale-New Haven Hospital, Inc. | Hospitals | | 4.2 B | United States |
Maria Phillips | Nurse Practitioner | mar*a.p*il**[email protected] | (*88) 77*-*4*8 | 22 Years 05 Months | Privia Medical Group Llc | Hospitals | | 1.7 B | United States |
Joshua Lamb | Cardiac Critical Care Nurse Practitioner | jo*h*a.l*[email protected] | (6*5) 3*2-**00 | 14 Years 05 Months | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Hospitals | | 6.6 B | United States |
Adrienne Peery | Nurse Practitioner | a*ee*[email protected] | ((*60) 4*5-2**9 | 11 Years 06 Months | Lutheran Hospital | Hospitals | | 880.8 M | United States |
Kailie Gray | Registered Nurse | k*r*[email protected] | (5*0) 4*7-**00 | 02 Years 06 Months | Alameda Health System | Hospitals | | 1 B | United States |
Isabelle Daab | Registered Nurse | is***[email protected] | (3*4) *54-*0*0 | 03 Years 11 Months | St. Louis Children’s Hospital | Hospitals | | 633.8 M | United States |
Jordan Belisle | Clinical Nurse | j**da*_beli*[email protected] | (*08) 87*-3*0* | 15 Years 11 Months | El Camino Health | Hospitals | | 1.4 B | United States |
Krystal Anderson | Registered Nurse | k*y**al_ander*** | (30*) 67*-4**0 | 06 Years 06 Months | Bayhealth Medical Center | Hospitals | | 699.9 M | United States |
Brandon Baxter | Registered Nurse | bran*on.baxt*[email protected] | (*30) 45*-*9*1 | 13 Years 10 Months | Aultman Health Foundation | Hospitals | | 920.1 M | United States |
Emily Smith | Charge Nurse | **mi*[email protected] | (6*4) *34-**00 | 16 Years 10 Months | Mount Carmel Health System | Hospitals | | 1.4 B | United States |
Joanna Agena | Nurse Practitioner | *oa*na.*g*[email protected] | (*08) 9*9-9**5 | 13 Years | Hawaii Pacific Health | Hospitals | | 1 B | United States |
Jeanie Kent | Nurse Practitioner | je*ni*.k*n* | (5*0) *50-2*0* | 08 Years 05 Months | Vituity | Hospitals | | 880.8 M | United States |
Adesewa Rotimi | Psychiatric Charge Nurse | adese**.rot*m* | (34*) 4*6-*52* | 16 Years 11 Months | Harris Health System | Hospitals | | 2.5 B | United States |
Andrea Brkovic | Nurse Anesthetist | a*d**ov*[email protected] | *9 89*14**010 | 25 Years 11 Months | München Klinik gGmbH | Hospitals | | 1 B | Germany |
Ellen Nadel | Nurse Practitioner | ena**[email protected] | (88*) 66*-*33* | 09 Years 06 Months | One Medical | Hospitals | | 1 B | United States |
Kathie Phun | Ambulatory Care Nurse | ka*hie.*hu* | (8*6) 66*-3*2* | 10 Years 02 Months | Contra Costa Health | Hospitals | | 2.6 B | United States |
Lauren Sheldon | Oncology Nurse Practitioner | *aur*n.s*el*[email protected] | (*85) *22-**00 | 13 Years 08 Months | Rochester General Hospital | Hospitals | | 3.2 B | United States |
Keith A. Young | Registered Nurse | k*i*h.*oun* | (9*4) 49*-*0*0 | 21 Years 11 Months | Westchester Medical Center | Hospitals | | 1.3 B | United States |
Meghan Visnick Davis | Research Nurse | *vis*i*[email protected] | (23*) 9*5-*00* | 11 Years 03 Months | Munson Healthcare | Hospitals | | 1.1 B | United States |
Vanessa Galindo | Oncology Nurse Practitioner | ***i*d* | (8*4) 2*5-9*3* | 14 Years 06 Months | Moffitt Cancer Center | Hospitals | | 1.2 B | United States |
Christina Zambrano | Registered Nurse | c*amb*a** | (8*3) 84*-7**0 | 14 Years 06 Months | Tampa General Hospital | Hospitals | | 1.2 B | United States |
Beverly Boyd | Registered Nurse | be*erl*.*oy* | (9*8) 94*-22** | 24 Years 10 Months | Tufts Medicine | Hospitals | | 1.9 B | United States |
Joanne Quillen | Oncology Nurse Practitioner | jo*nn*.q*il*[email protected] | (30*) 65*-**00 | 36 Years 09 Months | Nemours | Hospitals | | 1.9 B | United States |
Sasha Klempner | Surgical Nurse | sas*a.**e*p*[email protected] | (6*6) 9*9-7**0 | 02 Years 06 Months | NYU Langone Health | Hospitals | | 8.9 B | United States |
Carol Walters | Critical Care Registered Nurse | car**.walte** | (7*7) *20-8*0* | 13 Years 10 Months | BayCare Health System | Hospitals | | 5.5 B | United States |
Shirley Midorikawa | Registered Nurse | s*irl*y.m*d*ri*[email protected] | (*06) 9*7-*00* | 06 Years 06 Months | Seattle Children’s Hospital | Hospitals | | 3.9 B | United States |
Roberta Alimonti | Surgical Nurse | ro**rta.a***[email protected] | 4* 44*5*1111 | 14 Years 06 Months | Universitätsspital Zürich | Hospitals | | 1.2 B | Switzerland |
Kristian Vintervoll | Registered Nurse | k*i**er*[email protected] | *7 7**7*000 | 40 Years 01 Months | St Olavs Hospital | Hospitals | | 1.5 B | Norway |
Chelsea Santos | Registered Nurse | c**n*[email protected] | (7*7) 7*1-**60 | 06 Years 10 Months | PAM Health | Hospitals | | 956.8 M | United States |
Kareem G. Albert | Registered Nurse | k****[email protected] | (3*5) 3*4-4*4* | 04 Years 01 Months | VITAS Healthcare | Hospitals | | 701.1 M | United States |