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Hospitals Email List

Are you looking to connect with different hospitals globally? We’re here to help! Blue Mail Media’s responsive hospitals email list lets you hyper-personalize business campaigns that seize leads efficiently.
Our hospitals email list and mailing list provide contact information of top decision-makers such as presidents, directors, chief of surgeons, doctors, nurses, physicians, managers, administrators, and others healthcare professionals affiliated to different hospitals around the world. The contact information includes their names, official email addresses, phone numbers, hospital names, hospitals type, hospital revenue, employee size, and more.
Connect with 650K+ hospital decision-makers with our one-of-a-kind email database!

Perks of using the hospitals email database:

Businesses operating in the healthcare industry can utilize the hospital email database and capitalize on the following benefits:
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Trusted By Over 11K Organizations To Grow Revenue

B2B Data
0 M+
Hospitals Database
0 K+
Industry Database
0 M+
Professional Database
0 M+
Last updated:

Grow business revenue with a reliable hospital Mailing list:

The global hospital services market size amounted to USD 12.31 trillion in 2023. This value is anticipated to reach USD 22.57 trillion by 2033, expanding at a CAGR of 6.05%. The key attributes boosting the market growth include increasing insurance coverage and demand for quality patient care.
North America holds the top position, contributing 37.82% to the global hospital services market share in 2023, with a value of USD 2.32trillion. Moreover, it is expected to show an upward graph with a CAGR of 4.85% and is poised to reach USD 3.79 trillion in the next ten years.
Do you want to make the most of the hospital service market’s tremendous potential? We’re just a call away! Blue Mail Media’s accurate and validated hospital mailing list and email list aid you in reaching the right decision-makers in every possible way.
Blue Mail Media’s verified hospitals email list helps you pitch your products or services to targeted professionals working in particular hospitals such as hospital’s presidents, directors, CEOs, physicians, dentists, nurses, administrators, and others. Our comprehensive hospital email database facilitates multi-channel marketing efforts and helps you easily acquire quality leads.
Our hospital executives email list is verified and updated regularly so that you can improve conversions and open up opportunities for extensive market growth. Get access to an updated hospital email directory for a successful multichannel marketing campaigns. Promote your recruiting services, insurance systems, patient compliance programs, medical equipment, and more to enhance conversion rates and profits.

With our updated and verified email database, you can strategize campaign efforts toward potential prospects across the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Europe, APAC, and other regions globally. Exceed your prospecting efforts with our hospital mailing list!

Amplify business expansion with our hospitals email database!

Ace your marketing efforts with a segmented hospital email list:

Marketing to the diversified healthcare sector becomes seamless with our highly-segmented hospital email list. Segmenting your total addressable market into various groups based on firmographics, technographics, demographics, and other helps you execute hyper-personalized marketing campaigns.
You can understand every segment efficiently and address their pain points accordingly. Consequently, it helps increase brand credibility and authority, and gain prospect’s trust. We at Blue Mail Media have segmented the hospitals email list in the following:
Segmentation based on hospital types:
Hospital Type Total Counts
Academic Medical Centers Email List 42398
Acute Hospitals Email List 8961
Ambulatory Surgery Centers Email List 3064
Cancer treatment centers Email List 7629
Cardiac hospitals Email List 3817
Children’s Hospitals Email List 22602
Clinics Email List 68658
Community Hospitals (Non-federal Acute Care) Email List 12043
Federal Government Hospitals. Email List 9452
General Services Hospitals Email List 25985
Government Funded Hospitals Email List 5712
Non-federal Hospitals Email List 17582
Non-for-Profit Hospitals Email List 25421
Non-Teaching Hospitals Email List 16571
Oncology hospitals Email List 7318
Osteopathic Hospitals Email List 1913
Private Hospitals Email List 21106
Psychiatric Hospitals Email List 15098
Rehabilitation Hospitals Email List 11294
Research Hospitals Email List 6443
Rural Hospitals Email List 11245
Seniors’ Geriatric Hospitals Email List 704
Teaching Hospitals Email List 15698
Trauma centers Email List 1877
Trust Hospitals Email List 1719
Urban Hospitals Email List 13521
Women’s hospitals Email List 5351
Other Hospitals Email List 25097
Segmentation based on job titles:
Job Title Counts
Hospital CEOs Email List  21,382
Hospital CFOs Email List  2,819
Hospital CIOs Email List  5,291
Chief Medical Directors Email List  8,902
Medical Directors Email List  8,192
Hospital Procurement Email List  1,802
Hospital HR Directors Email List  11,029
Hospital Decision Makers Email List  52,101
Physicians Email List  2,101,202
Nurses Email List  405,812
Dentists Email List  233,999
Therapists Email List  121,182
Pharmacists Email List  541,852
Surgeons Email List  51,219
Hospital Executives Email List  301,205
And More  5M+
Note: “The counts may vary due to continuous updates; kindly reach out to us for the latest counts.”

Advantages of using the hospital email database:

Whether you are an insurance provider, medicines manufacturer, or CME provider, our well-collated and verified hospital email list caters to all your needs. Our list is a gateway to make valuable business collaborations with top decision-makers of different hospitals and achieve marketing and sales goals.
We constantly verify and validate the data repository, providing a 95% deliverable hospitals email database. Additionally, our database is compliant with all international data privacy regulation so that our clients stay true to their customers.

Monetize the benefits of our hospitals mailing list!

Get access to our customized hospitals email list:

Want to build long-lasting relationships with the hospital industry authorities? We’ve got you a perfect solution. Our 70+ data selection options help you customize the email list in accordance with your business requirements.
With that, you can tailor messages, recommendations, and campaigns toward every single prospect effectively. If your business goal is inclined toward strategic expansion and growth, our customized email list is just for you. Here are some data selection fields that we offer:
NameHospital NameDemographics
Official Email AddressHospital by Bed SizeHospital Website Address
Direct Dial NumberEmployee SizeNAICS Code
Fax NumberMailing AddressTechnographics
License NumberRevenue SizeNPI Code
License StateStateCity
D-U-N-S NumberCountryZIP Code
DEA NumberSpecialty InformationSIC Code
Job TitleHospital AffiliationAnd More
Get a personalized hospital email database for your unique marketing initiatives. Using our targeted email lists, it is possible to contact hospitals specializing in different types of services. You can also ensure that your B2B campaigns target the right businesses, leading to efficient use of money and resources.


    Target high-value prospects with our hospital email list:

    Are you striving to achieve prospecting efficiency? Then, capitalize on our hospitals email database to place your business at the forefront of ideal prospects. As we provide a 100% opt-in and permission-based email database, you can strategize your campaign efforts toward those who are truly interested in your business.
    Thus, our precise email list lets you reach the right hospital decision-maker at the right time through the right channel. Additionally, you can reduce wasting resources on nurturing low-quality prospects and maximize prospecting efficiency and marketing ROI.
    Reach your ideal prospects efficiently with our hospital email database!

    Obtain a sample of our hospitals email list:

    Here is a preview of our hospital email and mailing list. It includes the key attributes of hospital decision-makers, such as their names, official email addresses, phone numbers, hospital names, employee size, and more.
    Hospital NameWebsiteContact NameJob TitleEmailPhone NumberEmployee SizeRevenueLocation
    United Health Groupunitedhealthgroup.comDerek WilderExecutive Directord*r*k_wi*de*@uhc.com(**0) 3*8-5**9440000381.3 BUnited States
    CHRISTUS Healthchristushealth.orgRaymond AceboChief Executive OfficerR*ym**d.A*eb*@christushealth.org(4**) 2*2-2**0450007.4 BUnited States
    Parkview Healthparkview.comMike PacknettChief Executive Officermi*e.pac*ne**@parkview.com(***0) 2*6-10*0150001.9 BUnited States
    Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beachmsmc.comGino SantorioPresidentg**o.s*nto*ri*@msmc.com(3*5) 6*4-4**04000699.9 MUnited States
    MemorialCarememorialcare.orgBarry ArbucklePresident*a*b*ck**@memorialcare.org(**2) 9*3-*000100001.5 BUnited States
    UnityPoint Healthunitypoint.orgScott KizerPresidentsco***kiz*[email protected](5*5) 2*1-5*0*330004.7 BUnited States
    Boston Medical Center (BMC)bmc.orgAlastair BellPresidenta*ast*ir.b**[email protected](**7) *38-80*072941.1 BUnited States
    The Valley Hospitalvalleyhealth.comAudrey MeyersChief Executive Officera**ey*er*@valleyhealth.com(2*1) 4*7-8*005000734 MUnited States
    Children’s Hospital Coloradochildrenscolorado.orgJena HausmannChief Executive Officerje*a.h*us**[email protected](**0) 77*-1*3*8000900.8 MUnited States
    Bryan Healthbryanhealth.comJohn WoodrichPresident and Chief Executive Officerjo*n.w**dri**@bryanhealth.org(4*2) 4*1-*1*16000880.8 MUnited States
    Ballad Healthballadhealth.orgAlan LevineChairman*la*.*v*[email protected](4*3) 5*2-1*00140002.1 BUnited States
    Cottage Healthcottagehealth.orgRon WerftPresident*w*r*[email protected](8*5) 682-71**3500513 MUnited States
    Dayton Children’s Hospitalchildrensdayton.orgDebbie FeldmanPresidentf*ldm*n*@childrensdayton.org(9**) *41-30**3342510 MUnited States
    UC Healthuchealth.comCory ShawChief Executive Officerc**y.s**[email protected](**3) *8*-2000120001.6 BUnited States
    Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Centerdartmouth-hitchcock.orgTracy OstlerExecutive Directort**cy.o*tle*@hitchcock.org(60*) 22*-5*9*119252 BUnited States
    Mount Sinai Health Systemmountsinai.orgBrendan G. CarrChief Executive Officer*rend**.car*@mountsinai.org(21*) 2*1-65*04300011.3 BUnited States
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerbidmc.orgTod WoolfExecutive Directort*oo**@bidmc.org(8*0) *67-535*100001.5 BUnited States
    AdventHealthadventhealth.comTerry ShawPresidentte**y.sh**@adventhealth.com(407) 3*3-22**8300011.7 BUnited States
    Corewell Healthcorewellhealth.orgAlejandro QuirogaPresidental*ja*dro.qu*ro*[email protected](6*6) 267-03**600008.8 BUnited States
    Sutter Medical Centersutterhealth.orgBradley GoodsonChief Executive Officerbr*d**y.goods**@sutterhealth.org(**6) 454-22**5100014.8 BUnited States
    Jackson Health Systemjacksonhealth.orgVicky SabharwalChief Executive Officerv*c*y.s*bh*rw*[email protected](*0*)*585-54*7135002.3 BUnited States
    Saint Francis Health Systemsaintfrancis.comCliff RobertsonPresidentcr*berts**@saintfrancis.com(9**) 494-2**096241.8 BUnited States
    Tampa General Hospitaltgh.orgJohn D. CourisPresidentjc*ur**@tgh.org(*13) 8*4-70*082071.8 BUnited States
    Providenceprovidence.orgRod HochmanChief Executive Officer*od.h*chm**@providence.org(*25) 5*5-33**12000017.6 BUnited States
    The Christ Hospital Health Networkthechristhospital.comRebecca HarperExecutive Directorre*e*ca.h*rp*[email protected](513) *8*-**006500990.4 MUnited States
    MedStar Montgomery Medical Centermedstarhealth.orgPeter MongePresident*eter.m*n*[email protected](*01) *74-8**2320006.3 BUnited States
    CenterLight Health Systemcenterlighthealthcare.orgTara Buonocore-RutPresidentt*r*[email protected](8*3) 2*2-2*372099508.9 MUnited States
    Denver Healthdenverhealth.orgDonna LynneChief Executive Officerdo**a.l*n*[email protected](303) 4**-6**081001.2 BUnited States
    Pediatrix Medical Grouppediatrix.comJames SwiftChief Executive Officerj**es*sw**[email protected](*00) 24*-3*3*101751.5 BUnited States
    Banner North Colorado Medical Centerbannerhealth.comAmy PerryPresident**y.pe*[email protected](9**) 8*0-41*15200012.4 BUnited States
    Northside Hospitalnorthside.comLynn JacksonChief Executive Officerl*nn.ja**[email protected](4*4) 851-8**0250526.2 BUnited States
    Valley Healthvalleyhealthlink.comMark NantzPresident*n**[email protected](5*0) 536-8**06000774.4 MUnited States
    Orlando Health Medical Group Incorlandohealth.comJustin WilliamsPresidentj**[email protected](4**) 2*2-2*2*250003.7 BUnited States
    Gohealth Urgent Caregohealthuc.comTodd LatzChief Executive Officert*dd*l*[email protected](4*9) 250-1*5*3881569.7 MUnited States
    Avera Mckennanavera.orgFred SluneckaPresidentf**d.*lun***[email protected](6*5) 5*3-222*205003 BUnited States
    OhioHealthohiohealth.comMichael LawsonPresident*ich*el.***so*@ohiohealth.com(7*0) 5*2-7*1*273045.1 BUnited States
    Seattle Children’sseattlechildrens.orgJamie PhillipsPresidentja*ie**hi*li*[email protected](**6) 9*7-20*094903.4 BUnited States
    Saint John of God Health Caresjog.org.auBryan PyneGroup Chief Executive Officer*ry*n*p*n*@sjog.org.au*1 8**1600**160001.6 BAustralia
    St John of God Health Caresjog.org.auTina ChineryChief Executive Officert*na.ch**e*[email protected]6* 86**6* 0**160001.6 BAustralia
    Rede D’Or São Luizrededorsaoluiz.com.brPaulo MollChief Executive Officerp*u*o.m***@rededor.com.br5* *1*0**01*00563562.7 BBrazil
    Hospital Albert Einsteineinstein.brGustavo LeiteChief Executive Officerg*s**vo.leit*@einstein.br*5 **21**12*35483808.1MBrazil
    Vancouver Coastal Healthvch.caVivian EliopoulosPresidentvi**an.el**pou***@vch.ca(6*4) 7*6-2**1290001.3 BCanada
    Sanasana.deThomas LemkeChief Executive Officert**o*as.le*k*@sana.de** 8*67**04*346003.3 BGermany
    Apollo Hospitalsapollohospitals.comSubramanyam YadavalliChief Executive Officersu**am*n**m*[email protected]9* 8*025*106*629391 BIndia
    Narayana Healthnarayanahealth.orgRavi VishwanathPresident**vi.vi*h*ana*[email protected]*1 1*0*30*03**11923586.6 MIndia
    Fortis Healthcarefortishealthcare.comPraween KumarChief Executive Officerp*a*een.ku***@fortishealthcare.com9* 9*5**70*5*13010785.4 MIndia
    Mediclinic Middle Eastmediclinic.aeDavid HadleyChief Executive Officer*a*id.ha***[email protected]9*1 4*359*0*6907850.9 MUnited Arab Emirates
    Ramsay Health Care UKramsayhealth.co.ukNick CostaChief Executive Officern**k.cos**@ramsayhealth.co.uk*4 2*7847*85*76001.1 BUnited Kingdom
    The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trustroyalmarsden.nhs.ukMark HawkenManaging Directorm*rk.*a*k*[email protected]4* 20**52*17*3900572.5 MUnited Kingdom
    NHS Waleswales.nhs.ukKeith GriffithsExecutive Director*eith.*rif***[email protected]** 144*845*007800028.6 BUnited Kingdom
    Contact us to get a personalized sample based on your specific requirement to evaluate the performance of our hospital email database and experience the results yourself.

    How do we collate the hospitals email database?

    We strive to make our clients march on the right path with verified and updated hospitals database. Owing to this, our data specialists always rely on credible sources to collect contact information. Moreover, they meticulously verify the database using strict verification processes, which involves using manual efforts and advanced technologies. Our rigorously curated hospital email list brings you a host of benefits, such as staying competitive and compliant, increased conversions, and much more.
    Here are some incredible sources that we use to collect information:
    Healthcare Trade ShowsWelfare SocietiesHealthcare Directories
    Medical ReportsHospital WebsitesHealthcare Magazines
    Medical JournalsMedical ReportsHealthcare Listings
    Hospital RecordsHealthcare ConferencesQuestionnaires
    Government RecordsGovernment RecordsTelemarketing Efforts
    Re-Seller ProgramsPostal RecordsCensus Data
    Market ResearchPublishing CompaniesTelephone Directories
    SEC ListingsCredit and Financial DataFeedback Forms
    SeminarsWarranty Card RegistrationsRebate Coupons
    Opt-in Email ResponsesEntry FormsWebinars
    Reporting AgenciesBusiness EventsMail and Telephone Inquiries
    Corporate RegistersNewspaper and NewslettersAnd More!

    Make the most out of your marketing budget

    Which businesses can benefit the most from our hospitals email list?

    Hospitals are vital organizations equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure to ensure unmatched patient care. They require a list of essential products and services to maintain the standards and uphold their reputation.
    Each hospital has its own set of requirements. For example, a hospital may require a large quantity of surgical equipment to improve its operating division and reduce surplus pharmaceutical product supply. This hospital must be at the top of your list of possible clients if you are a surgical tool manufacturer.
    Similarly, any business providing the products or services that hospitals can utilize must get our updated hospital email list to elevate their sales and marketing game.
    Here are some of the companies that can benefit from our hospital email database:

    How to utilize the hospitals email database?

    Enterprises can make use of our hospitals email database in the following ways to maximize campaign efficiency and marketing revenue:
    Hospital Email list 02

    Why choose Blue Mail Media?

    We at Blue Mail Media are committed to provide you the best quality hospitals email database that will help you accomplish your business endeavors. Here are a few features of our high-quality email list:

    Contact us right now!

    Blue Mail Media’s up-to-date and verified hospitals email list lets you roll out multi-channel marketing campaigns effectively. Thus, you can reach a wider audience, boost brand visibility, and outsmart sales targets.
    Surpass all territory barriers and establish your business presence across the globe with our extensive hospital email database. We help our clients achieve exponential revenue growth.
    Accomplish business goals at a faster pace!
    Hospitals Email List

    All set to propel your sales pipeline?


    What is a hospital email list?

    The hospitals email list provides updated and verified contact information of hospital decision-makers, such as administrators, managers, directors, and others. It includes their names, phone numbers, email addresses, hospital names, revenue size, and more.

    How much is the cost of the hospital email and mailing list?

    The cost of the hospital email database varies depending on the volume of purchase. The higher the volume of a purchase, the lower the cost per contact. For more pricing details, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    Is your hospitals email list accurate?

    Yes, we procure hospital’s contact details from trustworthy sources, like healthcare magazines, medical journals, healthcare directories, med-tech trade shows, and more. Additionally, we verify and validate the database on a regular basis to maintain accuracy.

    How often do you update the data repository?

    Data specialists at Blue Mail Media update the data repository every 90 days and before delivery. For that, they execute meticulous verification processes involving advanced technologies and manual efforts.

    Do you offer discounts for bulk purchases of the hospital email list?

    Yes, we offer price breaks for bulk purchases of hospitals email list. If you purchase a higher volume of the email list, you will receive a lower cost per contact. For more details about bulk purchases and price breaks, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    How many days will it take to deliver my email list once I place the order?

    It will take 3 – 5 working days to deliver your email list after placing the order as we double-verify the database. For this reason, we use advanced technologies and manual efforts.

    Can I download the hospital mailing list and email list in an Excel format?

    Yes, you can download the hospital email and mailing list in an Excel (.xls) file format. It can also be downloaded in .txt and .csv formats, which seamlessly integrate with your existing CRM platforms.

    Who is the best hospital email database provider?

    Blue Mail Media is the best hospitals email database provider as we gather contact information from credible sources, update the data repository every 90 days and before delivery, provide permission-based email database, and employ rigorous verification processes.

    Can I filter the hospital mailing list and email list for some specific job titles and industries?

    Yes, you can customize the hospital email database with our 70+ data selection options based on the specific job titles and industries. For more customization details, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-494-0588.

    How do you compile the hospitals email database?

    Our data specialists gather contact information from reliable sources, like healthcare directories, medical journals, healthcare conferences, medical listings, trade shows, and more. The database then undergoes stringent verification processes involving advanced technologies and manual efforts. In that way, we precisely collate the hospital email database.

    Other healthcare industry email list:

    If you looking to connect with other healthcare executives to promote your business? Have a look into our healthcare email list. Here is a list of other healthcare facilities and professionals database that we provide
    Physicians Counts
    Physicians Email List 2,310,000+
    Addiction Medicine Specialist List 1,620
    Addiction Psychiatrist Email List 1,255
    Aerospace Medicine Physicians List 1,034
    Allergist and Immunologist List 2,807
    AMA Physicians Email List 1,90,345
    Anesthesiologist Email List 32,095
    Arthritis Specialist Email List 7,053
    Athletic Trainers Email List 14,108
    Audiologist Email List 6,321
    Bariatric Physician Email List 12,572
    Cardiologists Email List 13,927
    Chiropractors Email List 21,763
    Clinical Lipidologist Email List 1,265
    Clinical Trial Physicians Email List 2,10,702
    Cosmetologists Email List 5,98,000
    Dermatologist Email List 9,365
    Diabetes Specialists Email List 5,017
    Diagnostic Radiologist Email List 22,097
    Emergency Physicians Email List 11,125
    Endocrinologists Email List 5,202
    ENT Specialists Email List 7,217
    Epidemiologist Email List 2,077
    Family Medicine Specialist Email List 73,821
    Forensic Pathologist Email List 1,019
    Gastroenterologist Email List 11,007
    General Practitioners Email List 80,158
    Geriatricians Email List 2,082
    Gynecologists Email List 17,127
    Hematologists Email List 9,751
    Hematology Oncology Specialists Email List 98,535
    Hepatologist Email List 7,272
    Holistic Practitioner Email List 1,016
    Hygienists Email List 90,663
    Hypnotists Email List 3,468
    Infectious Disease Specialist List 6,317
    Internal Medicine Specialist List 81,521
    Interventional Cardiologists List 2,269
    Medical Geneticist Email List 3,258
    Mental Health Professionals List 53,815
    Naturopathic Doctors Email List 4,290
    Neonatologist Email Lists 2,060
    Nephrologists Email List 7,342
    Neurologists Email List 10,763
    Neuropathologist Email List 1,218
    Neuroradiology Specialist Email list 5,468
    Nuclear Medicine Specialist List 9,046
    Nutritionists Email lists 31,846
    Oncologist Email List 10,205
    Ophthalmologist Email List 12,197
    Optician Email List 14,067
    Optometrists Email List 30,352
    Osteopathic Physicians Email List 66,027
    Paramedics And EMTs Email List 30,680
    Pathologists Email List 10,010
    Pediatric Allergists Email List 2,218
    Pediatric Neurologist Email List 11,233
    Pediatric Radiologists Email List 7,265
    Pediatrician Email List 21,673
    Phlebotomists Email List 3,644
    Physician Assistants Email List 52,514
    Podiatrist/ Chiropodist Email List 12,819
    Preventive Medicine Specialists Email List 21,833
    Primary Care Physicians Email List 13,910
    Psychiatrists Email List 20,534
    Psychologist Email Lists 44,508
    Pulmonologists Email List 5,258
    Radiologist Email List 22,388
    Registered Dieticians Email List 90,908
    Reproductive Endocrinologist List 2,017
    Rheumatologist Email Lists 3,169
    Sleep Medicine Specialists Email List 2,199
    Sports Medicine Physician List 1,247
    Traumatologist Email List 2,408
    Urologist Email List 7,433
    Veterinarians Email List 11,891
    Would you like to speak to one of our consultants over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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