
Ways to Use Direct Mail Marketing For Attorneys

In the age of email and social media marketing, direct mail marketing may seem like a way to break the bank without any returns on investment.

Statistics, however, claim otherwise. Response rates for direct mails are 5 to 9 times higher than any other marketing or advertising medium.

Moreover, the benefits of direct mail marketing for attorneys are plenty. They do not just create a solid address database but are infinitely more convenient, allow increased creative control, and aid in building trust, all while targeting a specific batch of people.

Read through this article to find out the six best strategies to effectively use Direct Mail Marketing for attorneys.

Six Infallible Ways to Create the Best Direct Mail Marketing Strategies

Similar to most forms of marketing, a few strategies work better than others when it comes to Direct Mail Marketing for attorneys. A lot of time and resources go into curating the perfect mail. However, some approaches can simplify the process.

1. Chalking Out the Audience

Most attorneys are specialists in a specific field, such as property law, family law, civil law, intellectual law, etc. Furthermore, the services may be ineffective for attorneys specializing in particular sectors.

Approximately 70% of customers believe that direct mailing provides a human touch that online marketing simply cannot match. Figuring out their niche can help a business cater to the needs of their target audience with better specificity.

Hence, it is critical to adopt a targeted approach. Businesses need to consider their own services and how they pertain to the various fields. Once the company has created a match, they need to design their direct mail marketing strategy around it.

2. Personalized Content for the Win

According to studies, including the prospective client’s name in the mail can increase the response rate by 135%. Personalization is essential even in direct mail advertising for attorneys.

Here are a few pointers that should come in handy:

  • Don’t beat around the bush; instead, get right to the point.
  • Concentrate on the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of business offerings.
  • Make sure to address the clients’ problem areas.
  • Show off the personal side by adding a human touch to the communication.

However, it is vital not to overdo it. Keep things brief and conclude with an actionable CTA.

3. Invest in Interesting Design and Layout

According to studies, when done correctly, direct mailing may convert approximately 36% of prospective clients, in this case, attorneys, into sales.

After narrowing down the content, one should prioritize the design and layout components. Begin by acquiring high-quality envelopes to mail the content in.

Whether it is mailing catalogs, pamphlets, or flyers, design them thoughtfully – use an appealing and accessible typeface, limit textual overload, and include relevant visuals to break up the monotony of the text.

Use color palettes that contrast to increase the visual appeal of the text, but do it tastefully. If the company has a theme or official color palette, its marketing materials should be consistent with it.

4. Choose the Right Format

When it comes to direct mail advertising for attorneys, it is fundamental to use the correct format to convey the information. Given the variety of direct mail formats available, it is critical to select the best one.

One approach is to pick the format that best suits the company’s message. For example, if the business wants to advertise a variety of things that attorneys might benefit from, they should send catalogs.

Similarly, brochures may be a wiser alternative if the business runs a service-oriented enterprise. Flyers are excellent to alert people about offers and sales. In contrast, postcards are ideal for the holiday season’s greeting.

5. Provide Value Through Content

Marketing is a two-way street; if a business wants people to avail their services or buy their products, they must first entice consumers with the promise of value. It is equally valid when considering direct mail marketing for attorneys.

Here’s an example to put things into context—assume that a company is offering records management software that will aid attorneys in categorizing their case files.

Do not sell the software in this circumstance. Instead, offer its advantages, the most important of which is improved organization. A business may influence purchase decisions by appealing to both the emotional and rational aspects of the client’s thinking by communicating value.

Include a couple of equally valuable freebies in the mail to reinforce the message. Such as:

  • White papers and printed infographics
  • Stationery such as pencils and bookmarks
  • Keepsakes such as stickers, magnets, and cardholders

While the company may have to invest extra money to buy these gifts, the ROI on direct mail is a stunning $2,095 per head. It means that all additional expenses will be accounted for in the long run.

6. Take Care of the Timing and Consistency

Direct mail marketing is primarily about timing. Hence it is critical to establish a consistent and routine practice around which the business needs to operate.

Perform some research to determine the best timing. For example, if the business wants to market to attorneys while they are at work, they will have to target their office hours.

Remember that even competitors will be battling for attention, so choose a time when the emails won’t get lost along the way. Stick to a taut schedule once it has been established.

Wrapping Up

This article has provided a brief insight into the different ways that a company can effectively use its direct mail advertising for attorneys.

Statistics have implied that aesthetics, consistency, value, and personalization are the primary components of creating the perfect direct mail marketing plan. Using the tips mentioned above can help solve a world of problems that one might otherwise encounter when strategizing for their venture.

Further, businesses can also use the response from these direct mails to organize a follow-up campaign and even provide insight into what strategy works best for the company.

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