The Amalgamation Of Sales Marketing And The Human Mind [Infographic]

The Amalgamation Of Sales Marketing And The Human Mind


A smashing sales marketing story involves brands delving into the minds of consumers and ticking their emotions, building bonds, and making a lasting impression. The nostalgia of sales pitch from a bygone era makes most modern marketers giggle because it was mostly cringeworthy. In the present times, the similar approach will earn you the laughable spot in the hall of shame. Still, a better story to convey newcomers telling what not to do while marketing in the trending era.

To understand better what makes buyers ask for more, you will have to read rest of the article because there is much more than mere window shopping happening in the voids of shopper’s minds.

What Influences Shoppers?

  • Emotions and logic influence the buying decision, and it is instinctive.
  • Increased bias towards emotions over rational (80:20).


  • Feel good factor makes a better shopper.
  • Smart marketing is injecting brand awareness into hearts and minds of buyers before quoting the price.
  • Smart marketing is making customers feel valuable.
  • Give them the opportunity to explore and resolve, rather than blatant coaxing.
  • Neuroscience says humans use their emotions to probe the product worthiness.

Emotions: Your personal feelings and state of mind encompass emotions.

Logic:  The technicalities also seem like a necessity for the buyers. But, just a fraction compared to emotions.

  • The likelihood of brand faring well depends on the likability towards ads.
  • When ads are aimed at consumer’s emotions, it will trigger their intent to buy.
  • The loyalty of customers is associated to direct exponent of positive emotions towards the brand. It is much more than technical attributes.
  • Consumers view brands with a perception of personality commonly associated with humans.
  • Products with a brand name are the usual preference due to the emotions.

Did You Know?

  • Now and then the thought goes into cognitive bias mode.
  • It means your brain is at work reasoning with rationale.
  • Such perception can be a pro or against digital marketing brand promotion.

Product Depiction

  • Consumers willfully invest when the options are portrayed in a positive light.
  • When products end up in the limelight for wrong reasons, it quickly leaps off the proverbial cliff.

Trade Point

Sending ads to consumers? Ensure they are framed in a delightful manner. Make them ask for more.

Make them aware of the product benefits before requesting a purchase.

In-House Favoritism

  • People value the bonding they develop with the brand.
  • When consumers buy premium value products, they are proud to flaunt and consider them a class apart.
  • When it comes to opinion, consumers rely on known members than strangers.

Trade Point

Create edgy contents that allure target audience.

Weight your services against competitors. If your products have better features, don’t hesitate to flaunt them.

The Status Quo

  • Most people are less open to change and stand by what they like.
  • Suppose another brand offers a competitive pricing, people stay with their original subscriber to avoid changing.
  • Get inventive and extend trial offers and sign up programs to lure the consumers.

    Trade Point

Streamline the purchase process. Customers quickly feel intimidated if the process is glitch and time consuming.

Do not subject users to compelling changes unless needed.

Avoid Loss Scenarios

  • The loss isn’t a pleasant scenario.
  • Consumers get clingy towards products in the event of succumbing availability.

Trade Point

Use catchy time stamp or a tempting offer to invigorate the sales. Tease buyers with temptation.

Fishing For Psychology

Honesty Is Rewarding

  • If there was a reason your brand fared poorly, make an honest attempt to emphasize the faults.
  • Consumers find such honesty appealing rather than the blatant excuse for self-preservation.

The Minimum Formula

  • Hint about the minimum in all your campaigns. Setting your campaigns a slab above the rest means you will have to advertise the vast array of options available.
  • Minimum is that winning formula to express your openness to cherish all.

Bring Customers

  • Rewards are the best way to trigger the excitement in the buyer’s mind.
  • Words such as “now”, “fast”, and “instantly” makes the shoppers enthusiastic about buying.
  • Customers who have engaged in business with a brand will feel the sense of gratitude the sooner they are rewarded.

Value Based Association

Up to 64% of the correspondents who aligned their interest with a brand said their prolonged association is due to the typical value.

Trade Point

It is a feel good factor for buyers when they become part of a brand. The proactive relationship is best maintained when regularly cherished with punctual customer relationship.

The Welcoming Perks

  • Surprise your customers with perks and gifts to draw them to your brand.
  • It can immediately change individual perception and establish positive impression among the crowd.
  • Reward programs can entice your customers and make then want more.

Marketing your products? Remind yourself of these

Humans are emotional creatures. Psychological well-being defines the spending behavior. To guide your products or services into the right hands, keep consumers in the spotlight. Let them feel valued and watch the magic of marketing work.