7 Ways to Successfully Utilize the Power of B2B Marketing Database

Every B2B marketers follow various tactics found online to generate leads and convert them into potential clients. But after the conversion process, they struggle to keep them loyal to their company or take their help for promotional strategies. In most of the scenarios, the reason behind this failure will be an unclean or imprecise database of clients. Some marketers fail to realize the power of a highly accurate B2B Marketing database although it forms the crucial asset of any B2B company.

If you are one among them, it’s time to wake up! The high-quality database with accurate information will help you to reach your target audience quickly through segmentation and also to achieve your sales goal with no much effort. But how to create one and utilize it to the fullest? It is not a piece of cake for B2B marketers because of the broad array of data available online. Especially the advancement in the technology throws a massive chunk of information, and the marketers struggle to identify the right data that helps them to nourish their sales.

Fret not! This blog explains a few essential tips that aid you to get the most out of the database. Read further to know more.

How to Use the Power of B2B Marketing Database to The Fullest?

1. Determine Important Data

Your clients might provide various information about themselves, or you might find a large amount of data online. Since you cannot bury every unique information you obtained into the database, it is your responsibility to identify which data is crucial for your company and helps you in future business operations. Once you determine it, you can remove the unnecessary data and make your database look slim and perfect.

2. Keep your Record Simple

If your organization has multiple departments, there might be various fields which overlap with one another. For instance, your database might have areas such as phone number, business phone number, office phone number, and many more. Decide whether these fields are significant and help you in business activities.

If your answer is no to this question, remove such fields and keep your database simple. This way you can keep your database free from redundancy and unnecessary piece of information.

3. Follow a Common Format

It’s always necessary to keep this tip in mind. You might have an extensive database with hundreds of thousands of information in it. But what is the use of maintaining a hefty amount of data if you are unable to get the right data at the right time? Hence you must follow a standard format throughout your database to ensure consistency.

For instance, if you want the information of the clients who do not respond to your emails, you might try to get this data assuming the field is “Unresponsive.” But you might get only a few records out of this query since other members of your team list them as “Not Responsive.” So, you must always establish a standard protocol for your fields and ask your team members to follow the same every time.

4. Review the List Often

As the size of the database increases, it is no wonder to see the increased number of errors and redundant data alongside. Hence keeping the b2b email database clean is as important as collecting the data from various sources. Since it is difficult to manage this task single-handedly, it is always preferred to assign a separate team to review the database regularly.

You can also assign an owner for every single department in your organization who is responsible for adding the new data, making some changes to it, and also updating it on a regular basis. Also, they must closely monitor the entries for misspellings or duplicate leads. This strategy will not only keep your database accurate but also helps you to reach the right audience quickly.

5. Document Everything

If your organization has multiple departments with a large database, it will also be a tedious task to keep your data clean and maintain it. Hence it is always recommended to document every little thing you do with your database. This strategy helps you when you are working in a large team where almost everyone has access to the given database. Also, make sure that the document is updated daily or once a week.

Do not keep a long gap between the update period since it may cause harm to the accuracy level of your database. Besides, you can specify the format used, or the protocols followed for your database in the same document itself. It lessens the number of errors as well as duplicates and thereby reduces your maintenance task.

6. Segment the Database

To reach a particular group of the audience quickly, you will have to segment the list appropriately. The more you break your database into chunks, you will be able to draw a better conclusion from it. That is, you can strategically target your clients and make proper marketing decisions. You can perform segmentation based on various factors.

For instance, you can partition the data based on your customer’s demographic information such as gender and age or psychographics such as buying pattern. There are various tools online that aids you in this process. With the help of segmentation, you can quickly create a structural framework for your campaigns and other marketing operations.

7. Use the Information

Once you complete the segmentation process, you are ready to go. You can instantly determine what works best for your audience and how to execute the campaigns. You can make use of various strategies in this phase to acquire a large number of leads and make them as your loyal clients. That is, you can create separate customized email marketing campaigns for a set of audience with similar interests or buying persona. This final stage determines how you can move your leads through different stages of the buying cycle.

Wrapping Up

We listed some of the essential tips for adequately utilizing your B2B marketing database. Now it’s time for you to identify the stage where you went wrong and make the necessary changes to correct the mistakes. It is not late yet. The data keeps growing on a daily basis. Pick the right ones and maintain a highly robust database for your business operations. When database management is done right, there is no doubt in seeing a positive change in your sales figure.